Aussie Leftists Shi* Themselves

There go those gravy trains in Queensland & Victoria
Australia is stepping back from the cliff
March 28th, 2012

“We shouldn’t underestimate shift that has just taken place. The psychology of Australian politics moved as the large swinging center was revealed. Not only was the Queensland election worse for Labor than anyone predicted, the message was clear, voters rejected the lies, and rejected the carbon tax. The smear campaign by the Labor leader (Bligh) did more harm to her than it did to her target. Finally, the Hype-&-Spin Machine ran off the rails.   This is real progress.
Today both Queensland and Victoria are peeling back the warmist bureaucracy. I’m happy.
The new premier of Queensland Campbell Newman, is scrapping many state carbon reduction schemes. Who knew that the head of Queensland’s Office of Climate Change was none other than Mr Withers, husband of former Premier Anna Bligh? Who said the Labor Party nowadays is just about government money for supporters and mates?  

Campbell Newman has said he won’t sack Withers. Instead he wants him to unwind all the programs he put in place. Newman is keeping the solar subsidies for household rooftops, but everything else is being dumped…. “


  1. ozonegardens Avatar

    The carbon tax will raise the capital to move toward a sustainable energy future in Australia.

    Australia has the potential to provde all its energy needs with NO carbon emissions by 2020. look up “Beyond Zero Emissions by 2020” and read.

    Yet we still are still frozen into lethargy by the old fear that economy will collapse if we dont burn fossil fuels. There are ways forward witout burning fossil fuels!

    How backward is this, by continueing to subsidize the coal industry we are only delaying the inevitable, either that or we are heading toward the tipping point in climate change like a bunch of lemmings.

    Under the new Qld govt. huge areas of fertile agricultural land will be ruined by coal mining and coal seam gas mining.

    1. Grant Avatar

      If you had a brain you’d be dangerous ozonegardens. If you’re gunna comment at least read me first!

    2. rooferroofer Avatar

      After money are we ozonegardens?
      Another Green Dreamer Gravy Train parasite

  2. Peter Avatar

    ozonegardens, Australia has bountiful coal gas AND uranium indeed so you are in some ways correct. But the ‘carbon tax’ will not ‘raise capital’, its a tx…its a tax on CO2, not Carbon (two different materials)…its not ‘an old fear’ of economic collapse but a real and present danger, that exampled so may times in the previous 12 months that only the truely ignorant would continue to rant as you do (on ‘coal subsidy’ or ‘tipping’ points). There is not even real danger from coal seam gas, you’d just avoid digging all the coal out! Get real and wake up ozonegardens, you’re out of touch with reality.

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